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Journal of Korean Association for Qualitative Research (JKAQR) is the official journal of Korean Association for Qualitative Research.
It was launched in 2016. The official title of the journal is "Journal of Korean Association for Qualitative Research" and the abbreviated title is "JKAQR". It is published biannually on May 31 and November 30 with articles in Korean with English abstracts or in English.
It is a peer-reviewed journal that helps qualitative researchers, educator, and practitioners integrate information from qualitative research in multi disciplines. The types of manuscripts include orignal articles, review articles, case study, and invited by the Editorial Board.

  1. Journal Abbreviation : JKAQR
    Frequency : triannual (thrice-yearly)
    Doi Prefix : 10.48000/KAQRKR
    Year of Launching : 2016
    Publisher : Korean Association for Qualitative Research
    Indexed/Tracked/Covered By :

  2. Online Submission

  3. Korean Association
    for Qualitative Research

  4. Editorial Office
    Contact Information

    - Tel: +82-55-772-8234
    - E-mail: