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The author needs to check below items before submission of the manuscript
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General Guideline
  Manuscript must be written according to the research and publication ethics of JKAQR
  First and corresponding authors must be the members of Korean Association for Qualitative Research.

Manuscript Preparation
  Manuscript is double-space typed with 10.0 point (.hwp) or 12 point type (.doc).
  Manuscript consisted of title, English abstract, text, references, tables and figures in separate pages.
  Length of manuscript in English is limited to 9,000 words, and limited to 30 pages including English abstract, text, references, tables, figures and any supplemental digital content in Korean.

Title page (submit a separated file from main text)
  All author names and affiliations are provided in Korean and English.
  A corresponding author and complete address, telephone and e-mail address are provided.
  Research support/funding and conflict of interest are noted.

English abstract
  The abstract is not exceed 250 words.
  English title.
  Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusion are provided.
  The number of keywords should be from 3 to 5. In case of health related manuscript, English keywords must be MeSH terms.

Main text
  All documents in the reference list are written in the text according to regulations

  Do not repeat what is described in the introduction or results

  The references are written in English.
  Check that all references included in the reference list are cited in the text.
  All reference style was followed by the instructions for authors.

Tables and Figures
  All abbreviations were described at the bottom of the tables or figures.
  Unit display when using numbers.
  All tables and figures are mentioned in the text and numbered in the order on which they are mentioned.
  The titles and content of tables and figures should be written in English.

  The This research paper is not a duplicate submission and complies with the ethics regulations of JKAQR.

Manuscripts that do not meet the guidelines mentioned below will be immediately returned to the author.

First or Corresponding author: Name Signature Date

  1. Journal Abbreviation : JKAQR
    Frequency : triannual (thrice-yearly)
    Doi Prefix : 10.48000/KAQRKR
    Year of Launching : 2016
    Publisher : Korean Association for Qualitative Research
    Indexed/Tracked/Covered By :

  2. Online Submission

  3. Korean Association
    for Qualitative Research

  4. Editorial Office
    Contact Information

    - Tel: +82-55-772-8234
    - E-mail: